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Category name clash

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. ...

Test with enclosures

Here's an mp3 file that was uploaded as an attachment: Juan Manuel Fangio by Yue And here's a link to an external mp3 file: Acclimate by General Fuzz Both are CC licensed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, ...

Block quotes

Some block quote tests: Here's a one line quote. This part isn't quoted. Here's a much longer quote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In dapibus. In pretium pede. Donec molestie facilisis ante. Ut a turpis ut ipsum pellentesque tincidunt. Morbi blandit sapien in mauris. Nulla lectus lorem, varius aliquet, ...

Contributor post, approved

I'm just a lowly contributor. My posts must be approved by the editor.Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at ...

Posted by REIGA (IPA 3) - - 0 komentar

Coelacanth adalah nama umum untuk pesanan dari ikan yang mencakup hidup tertua garis keturunan dari Gnathostomata dikenal sampai saat ini.
Mereka dianggap sebagai "missing link" antara ikan dan tetrapoda pertama sampai Latimeria spesimen ditemukan di lepas pantai timur Afrika Selatan, dari Chalumna Sungai pada tahun 1938.
Sejak 1938, Latimeria chalumnae telah ditemukan di Komoro, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambik, Madagaskar, dan di iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Kwazulu-Natal di Afrika Selatan.

Spesimen pertama spesies ini hanya difoto di pasar lokal oleh Arnaz dan Mark Erdmann sebelum dibeli oleh seorang pembeli.
Coelacanth tidak memiliki nilai komersial nyata, selain dari yang diidam-idamkan oleh swasta museum dan kolektor.
Sebagai makanan ikan coelacanth hampir tidak berguna sebagai minyak memancarkan jaringan bahkan ketika mati, memberikan daging dengan rasa busuk.

Coelacanth adalah lobus-ikan bersirip dengan dada dan sirip anal pada batang berdaging didukung oleh tulang, dan ekor atau caudal fin diphycercal (dibagi menjadi tiga lobus), y
ang di tengah yang juga mencakup kelanjutan dari notochord.
Coelacanth telah memodifikasi cosmoid skala, yang lebih tipis dari sisik cosmoid benar. Coelacanth juga memiliki perangkat electroreceptive khusus disebut organ berhubung dgn paruh di depan tengkorak, yang mungkin membantu dalam deteksi mangsa.
Perangkat kecil juga bisa membantu keseimbangan ikan, seperti echolocation bisa menjadi faktor dalam cara ikan ini bergerak.

Walaupun sekarang diwakili oleh hanya dua yang dikenal hidup spesies, sebagai sebuah kelompok yang coelacanth pernah sangat sukses dengan banyak marga dan spesies yang meninggalkan catatan fosil yang berlimpah dari Devon ke akhir Cretaceous periode,
di mana mereka tampaknya mengalami hampir lengkap kepunahan.
Hidup sebelum spesimen ditemukan, diyakini oleh evolusionis bahwa coelacanth adalah "missing link" antara ikan dan tetrapoda. Hal ini sering mengklaim bahwa coelacanth tetap tidak berubah selama jutaan tahun, tetapi, pada kenyataannya, yang hidup bahkan spesies dan genus tidak diketahui dari catatan fosil.
Namun, beberapa spesies punah, terutama yang terakhir diketahui fosil coelacanth, genus Cretaceous Macropoma, sangat mirip dengan spesies hidup.Alasan yang paling mungkin untuk jeda adalah takson punah di perairan dangkal.

Subclass Coelacanthimorpha (Actinistia) kadang-kadang digunakan untuk memilih kelompok Sarcopterygian ikan yang berisi Coelacanthiformes. Berikut ini adalah klasifikasi yang diketahui coelacanth marga dan keluarga:

Class Sarcopterygii
Subclass Coelacanthimorpha

o Family Coelacanthidae (extinct)
+ Axelia (punah)
+ Coelacanthus (punah)
+ Ticinepomis (punah)
+ Wimania (punah)

o Family Diplocercidae (extinct)
+ Diplocercides (punah)

o Family Hadronectoridae (extinct)
+ Allenypterus (punah)
+ Hadronector (punah)
+ Polyosteorhynchus (punah)

o Family Mawsoniidae (extinct)
+ Alcoveria (punah)
+ Axelrodichthys (punah)
+ Chinlea (punah)
+ Diplurus (punah)
+ Mawsonia (punah)

o Family Miguashaiidae (extinct)
+ Miguashaia (punah)

o Family Latimeriidae
+ Holophagus (punah)
+ Libys (punah)
+ Macropoma (punah)
+ Macropomoides (punah)
+ Megacoelacanthus (punah)
+ Latimeria (James Leonard Brierley Smith, 1939)
* L. chalumnae (Comorese coelacanth) (James Leonard Brierley Smith, 1939)
* L. menadoensis (Indonesian coelacanth) (Pouyaud, Wirjoatmodjo, Rachmatika, Tjakrawidjaja, et al., 1999)
+ Undina (punah)

o Family Laugiidae (extinct)
+ Coccoderma (punah)
+ Laugia (punah)

o Family Rhabdodermatidae (extinct)
+ Caridosuctor (punah)
+ Rhabdoderma (punah)

o Family Whiteiidae (extinct)
+ Whiteia (punah)
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Posted by REIGA (IPA 3) - - 0 komentar

IQ ialah istilah umum yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sifat pikiran yang mencakup sejumlah kemampuan, seperti kemampuan menalar, merencanakan, memecahkan masalah, berpikir abstrak, memahami gagasan, menggunakan bahasa, dan belajar. Kecerdasan erat kaitannya dengan kemampuan kognitif yang dimiliki oleh individu. Kecerdasan dapat diukur dengan menggunakan alat psikometri yang biasa disebut sebagai tes IQ. Ada juga pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa IQ merupakan usia mental yang dimiliki manusia berdasarkan perbandingan usia kronologis

Masyarakat umum berpendapat kalau manusia dengan IQ tertinggi hingga saat ini adalah Albert Einstein, fisikawan modern yang telah menelurkan banyak gagasan brilian yang revolusioner. Namun, dari sumber yang ngga jelas ini, kecerdasan Einstein bahkan setara dengan aktor pemeran Ivan Drago dalam film Rocky IV, Dolph Lundgrend...

1.Leonardo da Vinci Universal Genius — Italy 220

2.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe — Germany 210

3.Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz — Germany 205

4.Emanuel Swedenborg — Sweden 205

5.William James Sidis — USA 200

6.Kim Ung-Yong — Korea 200

7.Thomas Wolsey Politician England 200

8.Hugo Grotius Writer Holland 200

9.Sir Francis Galton Scientist & doctor England 200

10.John Stuart Mill Universal Genius England 200

11.Christopher Langan Bouncer & scientist & philosopher
USA 195

12.Sarpi Councilor & theologian & historian Italy 195

13.George H. Choueiri A.C.E Leader Lebanon 195

14.Blaise Pascal Mathematician & religious philosopher France 195

15.Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosopher Austria 190

16.Phillipp Melanchthon Humanist & theologian Germany 190

17.PierreSimon de Laplace Astronomer & mathematician France

18.Philip Emeagwali Mathematician Nigeria 190

19.William Pitt (the Younger) Politician England 190

20.Voltaire Writer France 190

21.Albrecht von Haller Medical scientist Switzerland 190

22.George Berkeley Philosopher Ireland 190

23.Garry Kasparov Chess player Russia 190

24.Sir Isaac Newton Scientist England 190

25.Friedrich von Schelling Philosopher Germany 190

26.Arnauld Theologian France 190

27.Bobby Fischer Chess player USA 187

28.Marilyn vos Savant Writer USA 186

29.Galileo Galilei Physicist & astronomer & philosopher Italy

30.Joseph Louis Lagrange Mathematician & astronomer Italy/
France 185

31.Ren Descartes Mathematician & philosopher France 185

32.Lord Byron Poet & writer England 180

33.David Hume Philosopher & politician Scotland 180

34.John H. Sununu Chief of Staff for President Bush USA 180

35.James Woods Actor USA 180

36.Madame de Stael Novelist & philosopher France 180

37.Charles Dickens Writer England 180

38.Thomas Chatterton Poet & writer England 180

39.Alexander Pope Poet & writer England 180

40.Buonarroti Michelangelo Artist, poet & architect Italy 180

41.Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli Prime Minister Israel 180

42.Arne Beurling Mathematician Sweden 180

43.Baruch Spinoza Philosopher Holland 175

44.Johannes Kepler Mathematician, physicist & astronomer
Germany 175

45.Immanuel Kant Philosopher Germany 175

46.Robert Byrne Chess Player Irland 170

47.Johann Strauss Composer Germany 170

48.Hypatia Philosopher & mathematician Alexandria 170

49.Richard Wagner Composer Germany 170

50.Andrew J. Wiles Mathematician England 170

51.Sofia Kovalevskaya Mathematician & writer Sweden/Russia

52.Dr David Livingstone Explorer & doctor Scotland 170

53.Donald Byrne Chess Player Irland 170

54.Martin Luther Theorist Germany 170

55.Judith Polgar Chess player Hungary 170

56.Plato Philosopher Greece 170

57.George Friedrich H?ndel Composer Germany 170

58.Raphael Artist Italy 170

59.Felix Mendelssohn Composer Germany 165

60.Truman Cloak — – 165

61.JohnLocke Philosopher England 165

62.Ludwig van Beethoven Composer Germany 165

63.Charles Darwin Naturalist England 165

64.Carl von Linn Botanist Sweden 165

65.Johann Sebastian Bach Composer Germany 165

66.James Watt Physicist & technician Scotland 165

67.Friedrich Hegel Philosopher Germany 165

68.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Austria 165

69.Jola Sigmond Teacher Sweden 161

70.Dolph Lundgren Actor Sweden 160

71.Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft USA 160

72.Albert Einstein Physicist USA 160

73.George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) Writer England 160

74.Paul Allen Microsoft cofounder USA 160

75.Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomer Poland 160

76.Joseph Haydn Composer Austria 160

77.Benjamin Franklin Writer, scientist & politician USA 160

78.James Cook Explorer England 160

79.Stephen W. Hawking Physicist England 160

80.Sir Clive Sinclair Inventor England 159

81.Honor de Balzac Writer France 155

82.Anthonis van Dyck Artist Belgium 155

83.Miguel de Cervantes Writer Spain 155

84.Ralph Waldo Emerson Writer USA 155

85.Rembrandt van Rijn Artist Holland 155

86.Jonathan Swift Writer & theologian England 155

87.Sharon Stone Actress USA 154

88.John Quincy Adams President USA 153

89.George Sand Writer France 150

90.Rousseau Writer France 150

91.Jayne Mansfield — USA 149

92.H. C. Anderson Writer Denmark 145

93.Bonaparte Napoleon Emperor France 145

94.Richard Nixon Ex-President USA 143

95.Hjalmar Schacht Nazi officer Germany 143

96.Adolf Hitler Nazi leader Germany 141

97.Shakira Singer Colombia 140

98.Hillary Clinton Ex-President wife USA 140

99.Geena Davis Actress USA 140

100.Jean M. Auel Writer Canada 140

●IQ: 200+ (Encyclopedia of Human Thermodynamics)

● Cox, Catharine, M. (1926). Early Mental Traits of Three Hundred Geniuses (Genetic Studies of Genius Series), Stanford Univ Press.

● Kearney, Kevin J. and Kearney Cassidy Y. (1998). Accidental Genius. Woodshed Press.
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Posted by REIGA (IPA 3) - - 0 komentar

Berikut ini beberapa seleksi fotografer Swedia bernama Lennart Nilsson. Dia terkenal dengan foto2 in vivo embrio manusia dan subjek2 kedokteran lainnya yang dulu dianggap tidak bisa diabadikan lewat foto.

Dia menggunakan sebuah endoskop untuk membuat gambar2 menakjubkan ini!

Dalam seri foto ini, dia menguak semua rahasia - bagaimana kehidupan berawal!!! Bukti keagungan Tuhan!!! Subhanallah!!!

Ini bukan ilustrasi, bukan pula hasil ilustrasi.. This is real!!!
Perjalanan panjang sperma menuju sel telur:

Sperma yang telah bersusah payah berenang siap membuahi sel telur..


Dinding rahim yang baru siap dibuahi:

Sel telur yang dibuahi menuju dinding rahim:
Embrio mulai terbentuk, disini yang terlihat adalah awal pembentukan kepala:

Manusia sempurna, yang siap berjuang melawan hidup...

for video

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Posted by REIGA (IPA 3) - - 0 komentar

Sesaat sebelum mati Anda akan merasakan jantung berhenti berdetak, nafas tertahan dan badan bergetar. Anda merasa dingin di telinga. Darah berubah menjadi asam dan tenggorokan berkontraksi.

0 Menit
Kematian secara medis terjadi ketika otak kehabisan supply oksigen.

1 Menit
Darah berubah warna dan otot kehilangan kontraksi, isi kantung kemih keluar tanpa izin.

3 Menit
Sel-sel otak tewas secara masal. Saat ini otak benar-benar berhenti berpikir.

4 – 5 Menit
Pupil mata membesar dan berselaput. Bola mata mengkerut karena kehilangan tekanan darah.

7 – 9 Menit
Penghubung ke otak mulai mati(efek yang sama terjadi ketika anda menyaksikan sinetron…
1 – 4 Jam
Rigor Mortis(Fase Dimana keseluruhan otot di tubuh menjadi kaku) membuat otot kaku dan rambut berdiri, kesannya rambut tetap tumbuh setelah mati.

4 – 6 Jam
Rigor Mortis Terus beraksi. Darah yang berkumpul lalu mati dan warna kulit menghitam.

6 Jam
Otot masih berkontraksi. Proses penghancuran, seperti efek alkohol masih berjalan.

8 Jam
Suhu tubuh langsung menurun drastis.

24 – 72 Jam
Isi perut membusuk oleh mikroba dan pankreas mulai mencerna dirinya sendiri.

36 – 48 Jam
Rigor Mortis Berhenti, Tubuh anda selentur penari balerina.

3 – 5 Hari
Pembusukan mengakibatkan luka skala besar, darah menetes keluar dari mulut dan hidung.

8 – 10 Hari
Warna tubuh berubah dari hijau ke merah sejalan dengan membusuknya darah.

Beberapa Minggu
Rambut, Kuku, Dan Gigi dengan mudahnya terlepas.

Satu Bulan
Kulit Anda mulai mencair.

Satu Tahun
Selain tulang-belulang tidak ada lagi yang tersisa dari tubuh anda.
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Posted by REIGA (IPA 3) - - 0 komentar

Pada suatu sore, tampak seorang pemuda tengah berada di sebuah taman umum.
Dari raut wajahnya terlihat kesedihan, kekecewaan, dan rasa frustasi.
Dia terlihat berjalan dengan kepala tertunduk lesu.
Sebentar-sebentar ia duduk dan menghela nafas panjang.
Kegiatannya itu dilakukannya berkali-kali, seakan dia tidak tau apa yang hendak dilakukannya.

Saat pikirannya sedang menerawang entah kemana, tiba-tiba pandangannya terpaku pada gerakan seekor laba-laba yang sedang membuat sarangnya di ranting pohon tempat ia duduk.
Dengan perasaan kesal, ia pun kemudian iseng mengambil sebatang ranting dan merusak sarang tersebut tanpa rasa ampun.
Seusai melepaskan kekesalannya, perhatian pemuda itu teralih sementara untuk mengamati kira-kira apa yang akan dikerjakan laba-laba setelah sarangnya hancur oleh tangan isengnya.
Apakah laba laba trsebuat kan lari terbirit-birit atau dia akan membuat kembali sarangnya di tempat lain.
Rasa penasaran itu rupanya segera mendapat jawaban.
Tak lama, si laba laba tampak mulai kembali ke tempatnya semula.
Laba-Laba itu mulai mengulangi kegiatan yang sama, merayap, merajut dan melompat.
Setiap helai benang dipintalnya dari awal, semakin lama semakin lebar dan tanpa kenal lelah.

Setelah menyaksikan usaha si laba-laba yang sibuk bekerja lagi dengan semangat penuh untuk memperbaiki dan membuat sarang baru, kembali si pemuda beraksi dengan tujuan menghancurkan sarang tersebut untuk yang kadua kalinya.
Dengan perasaan puas namun penuh rasa ingin tahu, diamati ulah si laba-laba. Apa gerangan yang akan dilakukannya setelah sarangnya dirusak untuk yang kedua kalinya.

Ternyata, untuk ketiga kalinya, laba-laba itu mengulangi kegiatannya, kembali memulai dari awal.
Dengan bersemangat merayap, merajut dan melompat dengan setiap helai benang yang dihasilkan dari tubuhnya.
Laba-laba itu memintal kembali sarangnya sedikit demi sedikit.

Setelah melihat dan mengamati ulah laba-laba tersebut dalam membangun sarang yang telah hancur untuk ke tiga kalinya, saat itu juga si pemuda tersadarkan.
Tidak peduli beapa kali sarang nya dirusak dan dihancurkan, sebanyak itu pula laba-laba itu membangun sarangnya kembali.
Semangat binatang yang begitu kecil dengan giat bekerja tanpa mengenal lelah telah membuka mata si pemuda.

Hal itu menimbulkan perasaan malu dirinya karena dia baru saja mengalami satu kali kegagalan lalu sudah menyerah dan putus asa.
lalu sang pemuda pun berjanji dalam hati untuk berjuang dengan lebih lagi dan siap menghadapi kegagalan yang menghadang.
Segera si pemuda bangkit dan bertekad kuat untuk bekerja lebih giat lagi tanpa putus asa.

=== Mengalami kegagalan bukan berarti kita harus menyerah apalagi putus asa. Sebab sebenarnya dengan kegagalan itu berarti kita bisa instopeksi diri dan mengevaluasi setiap kesalahan yang telah kita perbuatan agar tidak terulang lagi di kemudian hari nanti agar menjadi lebih baik ===
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Posted by REIGA (IPA 3) - - 0 komentar

50 Fakta teraneh di dunia:

1. Queue adalah satu-satunya kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat dibaca dengan cara yang sama ketika empat huruf terakhir dihilangkan.
2. Kumbang tu rasanya seperti apel, tawon seperti pine nuts (sejenis kacang), kalo cacing seperti daging babi goreng.
3. Dari seluruh kata dalam bahasa Inggris, kata ’set’ punya definisi paling banyak.
4. “French Kiss” kalo di Perancis namanya “English Kiss”
5. “Almost” adalah kata terpanjang dalam bahasa Inggris yang disusun mengikuti urutan Alfabet.

6. “Rhythm” adalah kata terpanjang dalam bahasa Inggris yang tidak ada huruf vokalnya
7. Tahun 1386, seekor babi dihukum gantung di depan publik di Perancis gara2 membunuh anak kecil
8. Kecoa bisa hidup selama beberapa minggu tanpa kepala
9. Tulang paha manusia lebih kuat daripada dinding semen.
10. Kita tidak bisa bunuh diri dengan cara menahan napas.

11. Di setiap benua pasti ada kota bernama “Rome”.
12. Jantung berdetak lebih dari 100.000 kali per hari.
13. Horatio Nelson, salah seorang Admiral (jenderal Angkatan Laut) legendaris di Inggris seumur hidupnya tidak pernah menemukan cara untuk menyembuhkan mabuk laut yang dideritanya.
14. Kerangka Jeremy Bentham selalu hadir di setiap pertemuan penting di University of London
15. Orang bertangan kanan rata2 hidup 9 tahun lebih lama dari yang kidal

16. Tulang iga kita bergerak sekitar 5 juta kali setahun, tiap kita bernapas!!
17. Gajah satu-satunya mamalia yang tidak bisa lompat
18. Seperempat tulang di tubuh kita ada di kaki
19. Sidik lidah tiap orang berbeda!
20. Transfusi darah pertama dilakukan tahun 1667, ketika Jean-Baptiste mentransfusikan darah sebanyak 2 pint (kira2 1 liter) dari domba ke orang..

21. Kuku jari tangan tumbuh 4 kali lebih cepat dari kuku jari kaki
22. Debu di rumah paling banyak terbentuk dari sel kulit mati
23. Diperkirakan taun 2080 penduduk dunia bakal mencapai angka 15 miliar
24. Cewek mengedipkan mata 2 kali lebih banyak dari cowok
25. Adolf Hitler adalah seorang vegetarian dan cuman punya satu testis!

26. Madu adalah satu-satunya makanan yang tidak bisa basi.
27. Bulan yang dimulai dengan hari Minggu selalu punya “Friday the 13th.”
28. Coca-Cola kalau tidak pakai pewarna warnanya jadi hijau.
29. Rata-rata jantung landak berdetak 300 kali per menit
30. Lebih banyak orang terbunuh tiap tahun karena disengat lebah daripada digigit ular.

31. Sebatang isi pensil (pensil kayu) bisa dipake menulis sepanjang 35 mil atau menulis 50.000 kata
32. Alergi terhadap makanan/minuman yang paling banyak diderita orang adalah alergi terhadap susu sapi.
33. Onta punya 3 kelopak mata untuk melindungi matanya dari pasir gurun.
34. Posisi mata keledai memungkinkan keledai melihat keempat kakinya setiap saat.
35. 6 Bahasa resmi PBB: Inggris, Perancis, Arab, Mandarin, Rusia dan Spanyol.

36. Panggilan bumi juga punya unsur dewa yaitu GAIA atau TERRA, earth adalah nama pengganti (nama panggilan yang umurnya masih 'muda')
37. Sendawa atau bersin di gereja di Nebraska, USA, adalah melanggar hukum
38. Kita dilahirkan dengan 300 tulang, tapi ketika dewasa tinggal 206.
39. Beberapa cacing akan makan dirinya sendiri kalau kelaperan dan tidak menemukan makanan.
40. Lumba-lumba tidur dengan satu mata terbuka.

41. Tidak mungkin bersin dengan mata terbuka
42. Potongan permen karet di dunia tertua umurnya 9.000 tahun
43. Rekor penerbangan terlama seekor ayam adalah 13 detik
44. Queen Elizabeth I menyatakan bahwa dia adalah teladan kebersihan. Dia mandi 1 kali tiap 3 bulan, tidak peduli dia butuh atau tidak.
45. Bekicot (Slug) punya 4 hidung

46. Burung hantu adalah satu-satunya burung yang bisa melihat warna biru
47. Charles Osborne mengalami cegukan selama 69 tahun!
48. Jerapah bisa mengorek kuping sendiri dengan lidahnya yang panjangnya 21 inchi
49. Rata-rata tiap orang ketawa 10 kali sehari
50. Mata burung Onta lebih besar dari otaknya
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Posted by REIGA (IPA 3) - - 0 komentar

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Inkscape 0.47

Inkscape - 37.01MB (Open Source)
Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. What sets Inkscape apart is its use o...
25 Nov 2009
Download XnView v1.97 Beta 4

XnView v1.97 Beta 4

XnView.com - 15.81MB (Non-Commercial Freeware)
XnView is freeware software that allows you to view and convert graphic files. It's very fast and easy to use. But more importantly it supports more t...

25 Nov 2009
Download TrueCrypt 6.3a

TrueCrypt 6.3a

TrueCrypt Foundation - 3.20MB (Open Source)
TrueCrypt is a software system for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted drive. On-the-fly encryption means that data are automatically...
24 Nov 2009
Download WinZip 14.0.8688

WinZip 14.0.8688

WinZip Computing Inc - 13.78MB (Shareware)
WinZip is the most trusted way to work with compressed files. No other compression utility is as easy-to-use or offers the comprehensive and productiv...
24 Nov 2009
Download Feed Demon

Feed Demon

NewsGator Technologies - 3.56MB (Freeware)
Looking for a great way to view and manage your RSS feeds from your desktop? Look no further than FeedDemon, the most popular Windows RSS reader.
24 Nov 2009
Download Google Chrome Beta

Google Chrome Beta

Google - 11.69MB (Open Source)
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
24 Nov 2009
Download SuperAntiSpyware 4.31.1000

SuperAntiSpyware 4.31.1000

SUPERAntiSpyware - 7.05MB (Freeware)
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features our highly advanced Real-Time Protection to ensure protection from installation or re-installation of potential...
23 Nov 2009
Download Recuva 1.33.451

Recuva 1.33.451

Piriform - 3.58MB (Freeware)
Recuva (pronounced "recover") is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes fil...
23 Nov 2009
Download Foobar2000 1.0 beta 1

Foobar2000 1.0 beta 1

foobar2000.org - 2.98MB (Freeware)
foobar2000 is an advanced freeware audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include full unicode support, ReplayGain support ...
23 Nov 2009
Download Nero Lite

Nero Lite

Nero Inc - 31.82MB (Freeware)
Nero Free, is the easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whateve...
23 Nov 2009
Download Opera 10.10

Opera 10.10

Opera Software - 11.11MB (Freeware)
A full-featured Internet browser, Opera includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like Opera's groundbrea...
22 Nov 2009
Download MediaMonkey


Ventis Media - 7.44MB (Freeware)
MediaMonkey is a music manager and jukebox for serious music collectors and iPod users. It catalogs your CDs, OGG, WMA, MPC, FLAC, APE, WAV and MP3 au...

22 Nov 2009
Download AntiVir Personal

AntiVir Personal

Avira GmbH - 29.48MB (Non-Commercial Freeware)
Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs ...
21 Nov 2009
Download O&O DiskImage Express 4.1.47

O&O DiskImage Express 4.1.47

O&O Software - 11.81MB (Freeware)
O&O DiskImage Express is free software which enables you to image your entire computer and restore single drives.
21 Nov 2009
Download Google Chrome Beta

Google Chrome Beta

Google - 11.69MB (Open Source)
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
21 Nov 2009
Download PeaZip 2.8.0

PeaZip 2.8.0

Giorgio Tani - 5.31MB (Open Source)
PeaZip is an open source file and archive manager. It's freeware and free of charge for any use.
21 Nov 2009
Download Paint.NET 3.5.1

Paint.NET 3.5.1

Rick Brewster - 4.80MB (Freeware)
Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software designed to be used on computers that run XP, Server 2003 or Vista.
20 Nov 2009
Download Google Earth 5.1.3509 Beta

Google Earth 5.1.3509 Beta

Google - 11.64MB (Freeware)
Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the...
20 Nov 2009
Download Google SketchUp 7.1.6087

Google SketchUp 7.1.6087

Google - 37.02MB (Freeware)
Google SketchUp is software that you can use to create 3D models of anything you like.
20 Nov 2009
Download QuickTime Alternative 3.1.0

QuickTime Alternative 3.1.0

18.19MB (Freeware)
QuickTime Alternative is a trimmed-down version of QuickTime that contains only the essential components needed for playing QuickTime content that is ...
20 Nov 2009
Download GPU-Z 0.3.7

GPU-Z 0.3.7

techPowerUp - 447KB (Freeware)
GPU-Z is a lightweight utility designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU.
20 Nov 2009
Download MySQL 5.1.41

MySQL 5.1.41

MySQL AB - 38.99MB (Open Source)
MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of ...

20 Nov 2009
Download Fraps 3.0.2

Fraps 3.0.2

beepa.com - 1.98MB (Shareware)
Fraps is a universal Windows application that can be used with all games using DirectX or OpenGL technology. In its current form Fraps performs many t...
20 Nov 2009
Download FastStone Image Viewer 4.0

FastStone Image Viewer 4.0

FastStone - 4.53MB (Non-Commercial Freeware)
FastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. It has a nice array of features that include image viewin...
20 Nov 2009
Download PowerArchiver 11.61

PowerArchiver 11.61

ConeXware Inc - 8.66MB (Shareware)
PowerArchiver offers hundreds of features, yet remains easy to use, small and fast. Novice users will find a familiar interface complete with tutorial...
19 Nov 2009
Download ATI Catalyst Drivers 9.11 Vista

ATI Catalyst Drivers 9.11 Vista

ATI Technologies Inc - 49.29MB (Freeware)
AMD's award-winning ATI Catalyst graphics and HD video configuration software delivers unprecedented control of performance and visual quality with AT...
19 Nov 2009
Download Silverlight 4.0.41108 Beta

Silverlight 4.0.41108 Beta

Microsoft Corporation - 7.63MB (Freeware)
Microsoft Silverlight is a programmable web browser plugin that enables features such as animation, vector graphics and audio-video playback so you ca...
19 Nov 2009
Download Firefox 3.6 Beta 3

Firefox 3.6 Beta 3

Mozilla Organization - 7.98MB (Open Source)
The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing ...
19 Nov 2009
Download Vista Codec Package 5.4.9

Vista Codec Package 5.4.9

Shark007 - 20.22MB (Freeware)
All the codecs you need for Vista to play AVIs, DVDs and more!
19 Nov 2009
Download WinSnap 3.1.4

WinSnap 3.1.4

NTWind Software - 618KB (Shareware)
WinSnap is a small enhancement utility for taking and editing screenshots. Standard features include easy capture of non-rectangular windows with cust...
18 Nov 2009
Download Comodo Internet Security 3.13.119746

Comodo Internet Security 3.13.119746

Comodo - 38.71MB (Freeware)
Comodo claim that their firewall is unique in that it passes all known leak tests to ensure the integrity of data entering and exiting your system. Co...
18 Nov 2009

Download WindowBlinds 7.0

WindowBlinds 7.0

Stardock - 32.84MB (Shareware)
WindowBlinds is a software utility that allows you to completely change the look and feel of Microsoft Windows.

18 Nov 2009
Download Miranda 0.8.10

Miranda 0.8.10

Miranda IM - 1.64MB (Open Source)
Miranda IM is a multi-protocol instant messenger client for Windows. Miranda IM uses very little memory and is extremely fast. It requires no installa...
18 Nov 2009
Download Spyware Terminator

Spyware Terminator

Spyware Terminator - 632KB (Freeware)
Millions of users worldwide rely on Spyware Terminator, winner of many awards and high ratings from industry experts and users. Its free comprehensive...
18 Nov 2009
Download VirtualBox


innotek - 68.98MB (Open Source)
VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quali...
18 Nov 2009
Download Google Chrome Beta

Google Chrome Beta

Google - 11.68MB (Open Source)
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
18 Nov 2009
Download Wireshark 1.2.4

Wireshark 1.2.4

Wireshark.org - 17.46MB (Open Source)
Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, and is the de facto standard across many industries and educational institutions.
17 Nov 2009
Download Flash Player Beta (Non-IE)

Flash Player Beta (Non-IE)

Adobe Systems Inc - 2.24MB (Freeware)
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences acros...
17 Nov 2009
Download Flash Player Beta (IE)

Flash Player Beta (IE)

Adobe Systems Inc - 2.24MB (Freeware)
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences acros...
17 Nov 2009
Download Adobe Air Beta

Adobe Air Beta

Adobe Systems Inc - 7.63MB (Freeware)
The Adobe® AIR™ runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your d...
17 Nov 2009
Download WinRAR 3.91 Beta 1

WinRAR 3.91 Beta 1

RARLab - 1.32MB (Shareware)
WinRAR is an archiving utility that completely supports RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z...
17 Nov 2009
Download Growl 2.0

Growl 2.0

Growl for Windows - 1.75MB (Freeware)
Growl lets you know when things happen. Files finished downloading, friends came online, new email has arrived - Growl can let you know when any event...

17 Nov 2009
Download SmartFTP 4.0.1066.0

SmartFTP 4.0.1066.0

SmartFTP - 11.03MB (Commercial Trial)
SmartFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client which allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a server on the Internet. With i...
17 Nov 2009
Download Digsby Beta (build 73)

Digsby Beta (build 73)

dotSyntax - 17.80MB (Freeware)
Digsby provides you with IM, email and Social networks in one easy to use application.
16 Nov 2009
Download CDex 1.70 Beta 3

CDex 1.70 Beta 3

CDex - 5.57MB (Open Source)
CDex can extract the data directly (digital) from an Audio CD, which is generally called a CD Ripper or a CDDA utility. The resulting audio file can b...
15 Nov 2009
Download MyDefrag 4.2.6

MyDefrag 4.2.6

J C Kessels - 1.92MB (Freeware)
MyDefrag (formerly JKDefrag) is a disk defragmenter and optimizer for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008/X64. Completely automatic and very easy to use, ...
15 Nov 2009
Download Inno Setup 5.3.6

Inno Setup 5.3.6

Jordan Russell - 1.40MB (Open Source)
Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers i...
14 Nov 2009
Download Vuze


Azureus - 7.86MB (Open Source)
Vuze (formerly Azureus) is a free BitTorrent client used to transfer files via the BitTorrent protocol. Vuze is written in Java, and uses the Azureus ...
14 Nov 2009
Download uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17273

uTorrent 2.0.0 Beta 17273

Ludvig Strigeus - 306KB (Freeware)
µTorrent is a small and incredibly popular BitTorrent client.
14 Nov 2009
Download Google Chrome Beta

Google Chrome Beta

Google - 11.60MB (Open Source)
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
13 Nov 2009
Download Yahoo! Messenger

Yahoo! Messenger

Yahoo! Inc - 16.25MB (Freeware)
Keep friends at your fingertips with the new Yahoo! Messenger:
13 Nov 2009
Download LimeWire Basic 5.4.1 Beta

LimeWire Basic 5.4.1 Beta

Lime Wire LLC - 18.26MB (Freeware)
LimeWire is a fast, easy-to-use file sharing program that contains no spyware, adware or other bundled software. Compatible with all major platforms a...

13 Nov 2009
Download SuperAntiSpyware 4.30.1004

SuperAntiSpyware 4.30.1004

SUPERAntiSpyware - 7.03MB (Freeware)
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features our highly advanced Real-Time Protection to ensure protection from installation or re-installation of potential...
13 Nov 2009
Download Core FTP LE 2.1 (Build 1631)

Core FTP LE 2.1 (Build 1631)

Core FTP - 3.35MB (Freeware)
Core FTP LE - free Windows software that includes the client FTP features you need. Features like SFTP (SSH), SSL, TLS, IDN, browser integration, sit...
13 Nov 2009
Download Maxthon


Maxthon International Ltd - 6.12MB (Freeware)
Maxthon Internet Browser software is a powerful tabbed browser with a highly customizable interface. It is based on the Internet Explorer browser engi...
12 Nov 2009
Download Safari 4.0.4

Safari 4.0.4

Apple Inc - 28.26MB (Freeware)
At one time, web browsers simply got you to the Internet. But from the day it was released, Safari set the bar higher for web browsers. It introduced ...
11 Nov 2009
Download Cloud Antivirus 1.0

Cloud Antivirus 1.0

Panda Security - 21.98MB (Freeware)
Panda Cloud Antivirus protects you while you browse, play or work and you won’t even notice it. It is extremely light as all the work is done in the c...
11 Nov 2009
Download Firefox 3.6 Beta 2

Firefox 3.6 Beta 2

Mozilla Organization - 8.01MB (Open Source)
The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing ...
10 Nov 2009
Download ClamWin 0.95.3

ClamWin 0.95.3

ClamWin - 31.19MB (Open Source)
ClamWin is a Free Antivirus program for Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 and Vista. ClamWin Free Antivirus comes with an easy installer and open ...
10 Nov 2009
Download AVG Free Edition 9.0.704

AVG Free Edition 9.0.704

AVG Technologies - 73.98MB (Freeware)
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is trusted antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free. In addition, the new included ...
10 Nov 2009
Download Ares 2.1.2

Ares 2.1.2

Ares - 2.27MB (Open Source)
Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc.
10 Nov 2009
Download FileZilla 3.3.0

FileZilla 3.3.0

FileZilla - 3.92MB (Open Source)
FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interfac...

09 Nov 2009
Download FrostWire 4.18.4

FrostWire 4.18.4

FrostWire - 9.22MB (Open Source)
FrostWire, a Gnutella Peer-to-Peer client, is a collaborative effort from many Open Source and freelance developers located from all around the world.
08 Nov 2009
Download UltraVNC


UltraVNC Team - 1.78MB (Open Source)
UltraVNC is a powerful, easy to use and free software that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen. Th...
08 Nov 2009
Download Trillian Astra

Trillian Astra

Cerulean Studios - 14.81MB (Freeware)
Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. It provides capabilities not p...
08 Nov 2009
Download Paint.NET 3.5

Paint.NET 3.5

Rick Brewster - 4.80MB (Freeware)
Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software designed to be used on computers that run XP, Server 2003 or Vista.
08 Nov 2009
Download Google Chrome Beta

Google Chrome Beta

Google - 11.57MB (Open Source)
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
07 Nov 2009
Download Any Video Converter 2.79

Any Video Converter 2.79

AVC - 14.67MB (Freeware)
Any Video Converter is an All-in-One video converting tool with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It...
07 Nov 2009
Download Fraps 3.0.0

Fraps 3.0.0

beepa.com - 1.98MB (Shareware)
Fraps is a universal Windows application that can be used with all games using DirectX or OpenGL technology. In its current form Fraps performs many t...
06 Nov 2009
Download Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader

Foxit Software - 5.07MB (Freeware)
Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer, with incredible small size, breezing-fast launch speed and rich feature set. Its core function is compatib...
06 Nov 2009
Download GOM Player

GOM Player

Gretech - 5.86MB (Freeware)
GOM is a FREE media player with popular audio & video codecs built-in.
06 Nov 2009
Download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.40

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.40

23.12MB (Freeware)
The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and deco...

06 Nov 2009
Download Firefox 3.5.5

Firefox 3.5.5

Mozilla Organization - 7.71MB (Open Source)
The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing ...
05 Nov 2009
Download Hamachi


LogMeIn Inc - 3.15MB (Freeware)
LogMeIn Hamachi is a VPN service that easily sets up in 10 minutes, and enables secure remote access to your business network, anywhere there's an Int...
05 Nov 2009
Download Flock 2.5.5

Flock 2.5.5

Flock - 12.76MB (Freeware)
Flock delivers the latest webmail, photos, videos and updates from your favorites sites, so you can stop running around. Take a load off. Enjoy.
05 Nov 2009
Download Picasa 3.5 Build 79.81

Picasa 3.5 Build 79.81

Google - 8.98MB (Freeware)
Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all...
04 Nov 2009
Download GMail Drive 1.0.15

GMail Drive 1.0.15

viksoe.dk - 156KB (Freeware)
GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Mail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium.
04 Nov 2009
Download Java Runtime Environment

Java Runtime Environment

Sun Microsystems - 16.05MB (Freeware)
Java software allows you to run applications called "applets" that are written in the Java programming language. These applets allow you to have a muc...
04 Nov 2009
Download Defraggler 1.15.163

Defraggler 1.15.163

Piriform - 3.04MB (Freeware)
From Piriform, the company that brought you CCleaner and Recuva... they now bring you a file defragmentation tool... Defraggler!
04 Nov 2009
Download Shockwave Player

Shockwave Player

Adobe Systems Inc - 7.95MB (Freeware)
Shockwave Player is the web standard for powerful multimedia playback. The Shockwave Player allows you to view interactive web content like games, bus...
04 Nov 2009
Download Spyware Terminator Beta

Spyware Terminator Beta

Spyware Terminator - 632KB (Freeware)
Millions of users worldwide rely on Spyware Terminator, winner of many awards and high ratings from industry experts and users. Its free comprehensive...

03 Nov 2009
Download XnView v1.97 Beta 1

XnView v1.97 Beta 1

XnView.com - 15.80MB (Non-Commercial Freeware)
XnView is freeware software that allows you to view and convert graphic files. It's very fast and easy to use. But more importantly it supports more t...
03 Nov 2009
Download Google Toolbar 6.1.2009.1007b (Firefox)

Google Toolbar 6.1.2009.1007b (Firefox)

Google - 2.04MB (Freeware)
Keep the power of Google search close at hand. Google Toolbar puts a search box in your browser, making it easier than ever to find anything you want ...
03 Nov 2009
Download QuickTime Alternative 3.0.1

QuickTime Alternative 3.0.1

17.85MB (Freeware)
QuickTime Alternative is a trimmed-down version of QuickTime that contains only the essential components needed for playing QuickTime content that is ...
03 Nov 2009
Download Google Chrome Beta

Google Chrome Beta

Google - 11.35MB (Open Source)
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
02 Nov 2009
Download Shareaza


Shareaza Development Team - 6.59MB (Open Source)
Shareaza is a peer-to-peer client for Windows that allows you to download any file-type found on several popular P2P networks.
02 Nov 2009
Download VLC Media Player 1.0.3

VLC Media Player 1.0.3

VideoLAN.org - 17.19MB (Open Source)
VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols wit...
01 Nov 2009
Download Vista Codec Package 5.4.8

Vista Codec Package 5.4.8

Shark007 - 20.22MB (Freeware)
All the codecs you need for Vista to play AVIs, DVDs and more!
01 Nov 2009
Download Paint.NET 3.5 Beta 4

Paint.NET 3.5 Beta 4

Rick Brewster - 4.78MB (Freeware)
Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software designed to be used on computers that run XP, Server 2003 or Vista.
01 Nov 2009
Download RealPlayer SP 1.0.2

RealPlayer SP 1.0.2

RealNetworks Inc - 16.42MB (Freeware)
RealPlayer has always enabled you to play RealAudio (*.ra) and RealMedia (*.ram) files.
01 Nov 2009
Download CDBurnerXP


cdburnerxp.se - 4.21MB (Freeware)
CDBurnerXP is a free application to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs. It also includes the feature to burn and create ISOs, as well as...

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